That morning, I had another client project that needed more attention than I had allocated. As I worked on it, I kept wondering if there was a short cut I could take in the design process that would help me finish the project and have the time to clean the house before my client showed up. I knew that it was not the right thing to do, every client deserves 100% of our efforts, all of the time. I finished my project and had about 30 minutes to clean.
I stood and looked at my house and once again thought, what shortcuts can I take so that the house looks clean enough for now. I dusted, cleaned the guest bath and then got the vacuum out. As I was vacuuming, I watched the tracks that were being made by the vacuum. It made me start thinking. It is very easy when running a vacuum to see the tracks and know where you missed. It isn't easy to take a short cut with a vacuum because it leaves tracks in the carpet. Then it hit me. I couldn't hide the vacuum marks from my client because it left tracks. And I can't hide anything from Jesus because he sees everything I do, I leave tracks.
I thought back to my morning and the idea of wanting to find a short cut on my client project. I realized I didn't take a short cut because it wouldn't be right. The work I am given is definitely a blessing, I am being given an opportunity to serve another person and their business through the talents I have been given. Not only do my clients see the work, but I know that God is watching the efforts I put in to creating the projects my clients need. They are my vacuum tracks and no short cuts will do.
I have had a verse shown to me over and over this past few months. I'd like to share it with you and hope that you consider the vacuum tracks you make each day. Don't take short cuts, give 100% to the clients you serve, because it's not just the client you are serving.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23
Many blessings to your work week and your time with your family. Keep Christ first in your life and you won't have to worry about who comes in second place.